金蘋果影評【攻敵必救 Miss Sloane】比穿著prada的惡魔還可怕的女人


"Lobbying is about foresight... about anticipating your opponents' moves and devising countermeasures.
The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition...
and plays their trump card just after they play theirs.
You better not be saying that when you're in there.
It's about making sure you surprise them... and they don't surprise you."

Miss Sloane教育心腹

Miss Sloane以牧師的故事,訓斥同事應該更瞭解自己的工作內容。

"Know your subject, people!
Failure to do so may result in the loss of a golden opportunity."

Miss Sloane定義 憤世嫉俗 一詞

"Cynical is a word used by PollyAnnas...
to an absence of the naivete
they so keenly exhibit."

Miss Sloane募資

主管Rodolfo質疑Miss Sloane的策略

"Rodolfo, it was explicit in your pitch to lure me here
that you had a certain degree of trust in my ability to run this campaign.
I know what I'm doing. And I don't do harebrained."

Miss Sloane為了曝光率犧牲同事Esme

"I understand that you have feelings and a life
but I have no duty to them.
I have a duty to the cause, and if the two conflict... there will only ever be 1 winner."

Miss Sloane與男妓

同事Esme跟Miss Sloane決裂

"You crossed the line when you stopped treating people with respect.
You're smart enough to know that. You just don't care."

Miss Sloane坐牢

"Prison's not so bad if you don't have a penis.
We don't shank each other."

